Extended history and continuous access edge cases

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Several banks only provide extended (>90 days) transaction history on a one-time basis AND require a separate consent for continuous access to recent transaction history.
This means that if you create a requisition with an EUA with  max_historical_days > 90, the bank will only provide the transactions once. Such transactions will be cached and later returned for the duration of the EUA without the latest transactions which were added after the connection was established.

This applies to accounts form the following institutions:
COOP_EKRDEE22 (one account at a time)
LUMINOR_* (all countries)
SWEDBANK_* (Baltics + SE)
SEB_* (baltics)
LABORALKUTXA_CLPEES2M* - N.B.: see info below for special cases for multiple accounts
BANKINTER_BKBKESMM* - N.B.: see info below for special cases for multiple accounts

To gain continuous access for the latest transactions create an EUA and requisition with  max_historical_days=90 or less and connect the account via its link. (You can skip the EUA creation and use the default terms requisition)
You will recieve a new account_id for continuous access to latest transactions of this account. You can make sure this is the same account by comparing the IBANs returned on the GET /api/v2/accounts/{id}/ endpoint.

* Laboral and Bankinter special cases - in addition to the limitations described above, these two bank only give access to extended history once AND only for one account per requisition, meaning that if you connect 2 or more accounts under one requisition and request more than 90 days of transactions from one of them, it will void access to the other accounts. If you need extended history for all of the accounts - create multiple requisitions and use the account selection feature to select a different one each time

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