Immediate end user redirect from bank after consent

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To avoid long waiting time for the end user while the transaction data is being processed, Nordigen has created a feature which enables you to redirect end users back to your app immediately after they have given their consent to access the account information data from the bank. 

This applies to the requisitions where the end user agreement is longer than 90 days. If the EUA is less than 90 days, the immediate redirect happens automatically. 

How to apply the feature

When creating a requisition, set  redirect_immediate as True, in case your end user agreement is longer than 90 day. By default this parameter is set to False.

If it's set to T rue, the end user will be redirected back to your app immediately after consenting the access. Accounts endpoint status will be PROCESSING and you have to wait until account status is READY before you're able to query the transactions.

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