IP whitelist

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With v2 of Nordigen Account Information API users have the ability to use IP whitelisting to control access to sensitive banking information.

IP whitelisting is a feature similar to a firewall that allows one to define exclusive ranges of IP addresses that can communicate with the API and receive information. All HTTP(s) requests from servers outside these ranges will receive a status-403 error message as a response.

Setting up IP whitelisting

You can set up IP whitelisting when you generate new access credentials on the User Secrets page:

  • First, enter a comma-separated list of IP's using CIDR notation, for example:,,2001:db8::/48
  • You can combine IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in your list, as you can see in the example above.
  • Leave the default value unchanged not to filter addresses - this effectively disables whitelisting for IPv4 addresses.
  • Add ::/0 to allow all IPv6 addresses., ::/0 allows all addresses of both protocols. Any server that can provide valid credentials will be able to query the API.

N.B.! If your list includes or ::/0 among other address ranges, this will have the effect of allowing all IP's of the respective protocol.

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