How to regain access to an account once the access has expired?

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When the access (as specified in the EUA) expires, the accounts must be reconnected to continue accessing the user's data. This needs to be done when account and requisition statuses have changed to EX or EXPIRED, or can be done in advance.

Firstly, it is worth remembering that the access expires on requisition level, that is, access will lapse for all the accounts under the requisition in question at the same time.
Secondly, access duration is specified in the End-User Agreement (EUA) that is used when creating the requisition, and if no EUA is used, duration of access defaults to 90 days.

To reconnect the expired accounts, follow the same steps you did when connecting the account initially:
Create an EUA if you want to specify access duration other than 90 days.
Create a new requisition and redirect the user to the link in its response. From a user point of view, the flow will look exactly the same as the first time.

Keep in mind that whether the account_id's for the same accounts change will depend on the bank. Assume they will change. You can make sure this is the same account by comparing information in the details/ endpoint.

Reuse of link contained in an existing requisition is not recommended, because it will only work to reconnect an account suspended due to errors, and only up until the expiration date of the existing requisition. When consent is renewed, the requisition id will also change.

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