What resources do we have access to?

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We want to make sure we're building an easy and straightforward platform to enable free access to open banking data. This includes providing resources to customers that want to integrate our Account Information API.


Nordigen provides a simple API documentation that's publicly available on our website. 

The documentation includes the following information.

Libraries and Instructions

To give you a head start in your integration, Nordigen provides a number of libraries.

Knowledge Base

This is the resource you are looking at right now. It allows you to search for relevant topics by keyword or browse the sections and different articles. We are continuously updating this content and adding in more information based on client needs. If you have a suggestion for what to add, feel free to let us know.


We have the most amazing support team. Reach out to the team by email (support@nordigen.com) if you get stuck on quickstart guide, have an issue with a particular bank, don't understand how various aspects of the API work. Rest assured that they're going to be watching those logs like a hockey game, if there's a technical problem you've faced. Read a more detailed guide on interacting with Nordigen Support.

Onboarding team

You also have access to onboarding team who can give you an overview of Nordigen, the Open Banking Platform, and help you understand if this suits your use case. You will likely be contacted by someone from our team proactively, but in case not, feel free to reach them via email.

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